Full texts of more than 360 000 documents in Bulgarian and English languages. The richest database of the EU Law - treaties, agreements, regulations, directives, decisions and other acts of all EU institutions, including ECJ judgments with hyperlinks among them. EUROVOC legal terms classification. Consolidated versions (documents with amendments inserted therein) of EU Law instruments both in Bulgarian and English. Hyperlinks among articles in different documents. Hyperlinks between the European acts and Bulgarian acts that transpose, implement, refer to or rely on them. Vocabulary of the legal terms in all official EU languages and legal descriptions of the institutional structure and legislative process of the EU. Simultaneous search of legal terms in Bulgarian and English languages. Detailed bibliographic notices about the EU Law documents. Links between the EU Law documents and the procedures for their application by the Bulgarian companies, citizens, public authorities. LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION LAKORDA is the first Bulgarian company under a licensing agreement with the European Commission which launched the marketing of information products containing European Union law in English and Bulgarian. DAILY UPDATE OF DATA LAKORDA offers a daily update of EU law. The content of EU law is updated five times a week in the days of publication of the "Official Journal". ACTS OF EU LAW IN BULGARIAN AND ENGLISH LAKORDA contains over 360 000 documents of EU law from the date of signing of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community on 18 April, 1951. The user can work with the Bulgarian version of the text and the English counterpart. CONSOLIDATED VERSIONS OF THE EUROPEAN LEGAL INTRUMENTS LAKORDA contains the consolidated versions /legal instruments with amendments inserted therein/, available both in English and in Bulgarian. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE OF ACTS OF EU LAW This reference is an important tool for orientation in the complex system of EU law. It provides information about the dates of publication, enactment and duration of a document indicating its systematic place in the structure of EU law, the related "descriptors" of EUROVOC, documents that the act amends, repeals or quotes and the documents which, in turn, amend, supplement, quote or serve as legal basis of the act. The consolidated versions of the act are also indicated. CASE LAW - JUDGMENTS OF THE COURT 0F JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, giving binding interpretations of European legisslations and being a source of EU law LAKORDA presents the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. This way the users of the system, especially public institutions have the opportunity to harmonize their practice and administrative activity with the standards for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, introduced by the European Court of Human Rights, which Bulgaria has undertaken to comply through the ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms. The large volume (up to tens of thousands of documents) of case law of the Court of Justice of EU and the General Court of EU and the opinions of Advocates General will have a growing significance. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONTENT OF EU LAW - by source, by type of document, by number of the Official Journal by the major EU policies, in legal terms EUROVOC etc. CLASSIFICATION BY THE NUMBER OF OFFICIAL JOURNAL CLASSIFICATION BY DATE OF PUBLICATION WITH SUBCATEGORIES L AND C SERIES OF OFFICIAL JOURNAL CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE OF THE DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION BY SOURCES /BODY ISSUING THE DOCUMENT/ - European Parliament, European Commission, Council of Ministers, European Central Bank, etc. CLASSIFICATION BY EU POLICIES CLASSIFICATION BY LEGAL TERMS EUROVOC HYPERLINKS IN EU LAW - a unique functionality of LAKORDA Like the Bulgarian law, the acts of EU law are processed to the level of paragraph of article which allows precise and accurate positioning to that provision. The module “EU Law” also offers hyperlinks to the cited judgments of Court of Justice of the European Union, and the conclusions of Advocates General. POSSIBILITY FOR SIMULTANEOUS WORK WITH EU LEGAL INSTRUMENTS AND BULGARIAN LEGISLATION providing a connection with Bulgarian documents /applicable and repealed/ adopted in implementation of the EU law. CURRENT EUROPEAN LINKS - tracking the connection between the Bulgarian and European laws. SIMULTANEOUS SEARCH IN BULGARIAN AND EUROPEAN LAW DATABASES Lakorda allows simultaneous search in the databases of the European and Bulgarian law, whether the consumer is in module “Bulgarian law” or in module “EU Law”. MONITORING FOR PUBLICATIONS AND CHANGES according to predefined search patterns LAKORDA offers the functionality to monitor changes occurring in each issue of the "Official Journal" on preset user criteria. AUTO SEARCH WITH BULGARIAN WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH - a unique functionality in LAKORDA DICTIONARIES IN LAKORDA Multilingual dictionary of legal terms EUROVOC in all the official languages of the European Union - works correctly with all European languages. Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary of economic activities Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary of settlements in Bulgaria Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary of Occupations